quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2015
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terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2015
Oficina de Jogos Teatrais - Gratuita
Teatro Klauss Vianna-Audiência Pública-Urgente!
Caros Amigos artistas cênicos, produtores culturais, diretores de entidades culturais, jornalistas, escritores, músicos, cineastas, artistas plásticos, arquitetos, advogados, ex-secretários municipais e estaduais de cultura, vereadores, sindicalistas e comunidade em geral.
Não é a primeira vez que Belo Horizonte perde uma casa de espetáculos e nem dezenas de cinemas de rua que foram fechados nas últimas décadas. Foram muitos os atos de destruição e desrespeito para com a cultura, artistas e público em nossa cidade.
Agora vemos com tristeza que o Teatro Klauss Vianna, instalado desde 1985 no prédio da Afonso Pena 4001, antiga Telemig, será desmanchado por ordem do Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais, que entrou na posse daquele imóvel no ano de 2014, para que seja transformado em um simples auditório.
O Teatro Klauss Vianna é uma das melhores casas de espetáculos que Belo Horizonte possui, não só em seus aspectos técnicos, que custaram alguns milhões aos cofres públicos desde a sua inauguração, mas também no conforto que traz aos espectadores e pela presença constante de uma programação que sempre atendeu a todas as áreas da produção artística.
Vale dizer que mesmo após a privatização da Telemig, a Telemar/Oi manteve o compromisso de fazer o teatro continuar funcionando, como também realizou uma grande e cara reforma em 2005 e assumiu a administração do mesmo até os dias de hoje.
Há algum tempo alguns artistas de vários segmentos e movimentos estão se mobilizando para que o Teatro Klauss Vianna continue sendo uma casa de espetáculos importante para o público e vital para a nossa criação artística.
É hora de aumentarmos este movimento e darmos a ele mais peso e presença junto à comunidade, mídia e aos poderes do estado. Neste sentido foi marcada para a próxima quarta-feira, dia 29 de abril, às 16:30 horas, na Assembléia Legislativa do Estado, uma audiência pública convocada pelo Deputado Durval Angelo, com as comissões de Cultura e Direitos Humanos, visando estabelecer uma linha de ação coerente e coesa em defesa do Klauss Vianna, hoje parte do Patrimonio Cultural de nossa Capital.
Sendo assim apelo a todos para que compareçam em peso a esta audiência, divulguem esta convocação, repassem a suas listas de contatos e vamos nos unir em torno desta causa da mesma forma que o fizemos em defesa do antigo Teatro Municipal (Cine Metrópole), depois derrubado com autorização do governo à época (1984). Com a causa perdida e o inconformismo dos artistas, não houve alternativa ao governo senão construir o Teatro Telemig, hoje Klauss Vianna, como forma de compensação pelo descaso com o Metrópole. Portanto este teatro é dos artistas e da comunidade de Belo Horizonte e não de uma instituição que, até pela suas atribuições e pela formação humanística de seus membros, deveria dar o bom exemplo ao preservar o patrimonio cultural de nosso estado.
Apelo e convoco a todos para que entrem em campo nesta nova luta em defesa de nossos locais de trabalho.
O TJMG não precisa destruir o Teatro Klauss Vianna para ter um auditório. Quem constrói um teatro tem um auditório, quem constrói um auditório não tem mais que isso.
Por favor, compareçam e confirmem presença pelo e-mail do Deputado Durval Angelo: dep.durval.angelo@almg.gov.br
Esperamos vocês. Vejam abaixo o ritual da audiência e os integrantes das comissões.
Com meu abraço fraterno
Pedro Paulo Cava
(anexo uma foto de Klauss Vianna)
Pauta da 1ª Reunião Conjunta - Audiência Pública
Quarta-feira 29 Abril 2015, 16:30Local: Teatro da Assembléia ou Plenário (Tel: 21087827)
Comissão de Cultura
Membros Efetivos | Membros Suplentes |
Dep. Bosco/PT DO B (Presidente) | Dep. Doutor Jean Freire/PT |
Dep. Cristina Corrêa/PT (Vice-Presidente) | Dep. Elismar Prado/PT |
Dep. Ione Pinheiro/DEM | Dep. Arlen Santiago/PTB |
Dep. Thiago Cota/PPS | Dep. Glaycon Franco/PTN |
Dep. Wander Borges/PSB | Dep. Arlete Magalhães/PTN |
Membros Efetivos | Membros Suplentes |
Dep. Cristiano Silveira/PT (Presidente) | Dep. Ricardo Faria/PC DO B |
Dep. Durval Ângelo/PT (Vice-Presidente) | Dep. Emidinho Madeira/PT DO B |
Dep. Carlos Pimenta/PDT | Dep. Missionário Marcio Santiago/PTB |
Dep. Duarte Bechir/PSD | Dep. Fábio Cherem/PSD |
Dep. Paulo Lamac/PT | Dep. Cabo Júlio/PMDB |
Assessor: Neide Meire da Silva Rosa (Tel: 21087692)
Apoio: Elizabete Nunes de Jesus (Tel: 21087659)
Consultor: Ana Cristina de Carvalho Pontes (Tel: 21087684)
Apoio ao evento: Seila Aparecida Rocha (Tel: 21087161)
1a. Parte - Expediente
Leitura e aprovação da ata;Leitura da correspondência e da matéria recebida;
Designação de relator;
2a. Parte - Ordem do Dia/Pauta
Finalidade: debater, em audiência pública, decisão do Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais de fechar o Teatro Klauss Vianna a partir de de julho de 2015.Autor do(s) requerimento(s):
Dep. Durval Ângelo
Pedro Carlos Bitencourt Marcondes, desembargador presidente do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de Minas Gerais - Tjmg;
Ângelo Oswaldo de Araújo Santos, secretário de Estado de Cultura - CONFIRMADO;
Rômulo Duque de Azevedo, presidente do Sindicato dos Produtores de Artes Cênicas de Minas Gerais - Sinparc - CONFIRMADO;
Berenice Menegale, diretora da Fundação de Educação Artística;
Maria Regina Fagundes Amaral, integrante do Movimento Viva Klauss;
Ana Íris Teixeira Silveira -Titane, integrante do Movimento Viva Klauss.
Esta pauta poderá sofrer alterações até 24 horas antes da sua realização (parágrafo único do artigo 120 do Regimento Interno)
Enc: Editais & Oportunidades | APSA Projetos! | Scoop.it
Artista e Produtor / Vozes de Minas Profissionais da Voz
De: Ana Paula Sena <anysenna@yahoo.com.br>
Para: Leris <lerifaria@yahoo.com.br>
Enviadas: Terça-feira, 28 de Abril de 2015 12:00
Assunto: Editais & Oportunidades | APSA Projetos! | Scoop.it
sábado, 18 de abril de 2015
domingo, 12 de abril de 2015
Newsletter | Effective Ways For Losing Weight In One Month + 1 post(s)
Newsletter | Effective Ways For Losing Weight In One Month + 1 post(s) | ![]() |
Effective Ways For Losing Weight In One Month Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:11 AM PDT You want to lose weight so you’ll feel greater and have greater overall health. Plus, searching great in your favored clothes would be a definite plus. But all the diets advertised on Tv and talked about by friends seem to be expensive and not quite efficient. Possibly you attempted one particular of the popular diets only to find out the foods have been tasteless and meals have been boring. I even had a physician inform me “if it tastes fantastic, spit it out.” Who wants to go by way of life like that? The truth is, there are several Uncomplicated, frequent-sense approaches to lose weight. I learned these guidelines soon after functioning with a husband and wife fitness group who really know their stuff. More about them later. Here are my 5 simple actions for losing weight. You can count on to lose ten percent of your body fat every month, month soon after month till you attain and sustain your Great body weight. 1. Sugar is enemy number one particular. I’m confident you currently know that, but let me say it once more — nothing puts on fat like sugar. Avoiding cakes, donuts, and hot fudge sundaes is clear. But did you know quite a few healthy foods are also packed with sugar? Watch somebody make homemade muffins. The sugar gets poured into the recipe. And what can be extra healthy than a dwelling baked muffin? Most items at the grocery shop have sugar or a corn sweetener as a principal ingredient. Food makers know men and women really like sugar, so they place it in every little thing they make. 2. Take smaller portion sizes. Portions have gotten way out of handle. And I’ll admit it, I really like my “super sized” portions as a lot as anyone else. But appear at any old photo from one hundred years ago. Persons didn’t consume such huge meals back then and Everybody is skinny. Yes, merely cutting back portion sizes — and NOT skipping your favored foods — can support you take off pounds quick. If you ever vacationed in France, you have noticed this principle at work. French mothers teach their kids it is bad manners to take a heaping assisting, so the French merely consume a small much less. They’re also a LOT trimmer than people in other countries. 3. Learn which foods burn fat and which merely add fat. Some are clear. Chocolate fudge puts on fat. Celery doesn’t. But meals science goes a lot deeper. Speak with a nutritionist about which foods you Need to be eating that can burn off fat. You are going to be surprised at how yummy meals are though you’re still losing weight. Try to cut back on quick meals. Hey, I like my french fries as a lot as any person, but you have to recognize quick meals chains pack their meals with fat. Fat tastes fantastic and increases sales. So quick meals restaurants attempt to get as a lot fat as they can in every single item on their menu. 4. Get some workout. Food metabolizes far greater when you walk some every day. I’m talking about operating a mile soon after dinner. Any physician will inform you runners have all sorts of foot and knee complications. Just get up off the couch or out from behind your desk and go for a walk. Speed up your walk every single handful of days. You finally want to be comfortably walking so rapidly you are breathing challenging. That’s exceptional workout and the True secret ingredient to losing weight quick. 5. Expect to lose weight over several months. Starvation diets are no fun and hardly ever keep weight off for lengthy. Program on losing a single digit percentage of your body weight every month for several months. You are going to be losing weight and searching greater though hardly noticing the alter in your life-style. I never have space in this article for a complete discussion of how to lose weight merely and effortlessly. Program on receiving in touch with a nutrition or fitness specialist who can get you on a system and keep you going till you attain your goals. I work with two fitness gurus on the web who have helped me and my household lose weight and keep it off. I know you can do the identical. Realize YOU can be just as thin as you want though eating fantastic meals and enjoying life to the fullest. The post Effective Ways For Losing Weight In One Month appeared first on Poltrona. |
Weight Loss Through Diet Pills Posted: 12 Apr 2015 09:57 AM PDT Surrounded by millions and millions of commercial and facts about weight loss and dieting numerous folks make a decision to buy diet pills to support them out. It is only natural most folks not to know how to use diet supplements to lose weight properly. Despite the fact that there are no magic options right here are a handful of ideas: There are lots and lots of weight loss pills in the industry and everyday a thing new hits the shelves and promises you the physique you generally wanted! Beyond the hype and items that they do not operate some diet pills are productive but only when utilized in the ideal way. Initial bear in mind that diet tablets will not operate forever. Time after time your physique develops resistance to them and so they can’t give you with the identical results. Following all, the longer you take diet pills the far more you increase the probabilities of side effects occurring. Read the directions of the manufacturer and follow them. It is only smart to start out out with the advisable dosage and not overdo it. Taking too little will, as effectively, do no excellent as you won’t see results. Keep in mind right here to use a glass of water to flush the pills down to your stomach and by no means swallow them dry. This way you support your physique to absorb the substances contained in the pills and keep away from possible side effects. Some pills are to be taken on an empty stomach, some in the morning and other folks just before bedtime. Adhere to these specific directions as they were written for a excellent cause. When buying diet pills generally check the package. If too little facts is readily available, no ingredients are listed and the only point you can read is the name of the pill do not buy it! It seems somebody was performing hasty enterprise right here and had not the time to give critical facts to the buyer, that is you of course! The best ones you can get for weight loss you can find here: las pastillas Bayas de Acai. In order to use diet pills to lose weight properly, consult your medical professional if you endure from a chronic illness. Quite a few pills are not to be taken by particular men and women like folks with diabetes, folks on particular drugs for lowering blood stress and so on. Diet pills might be sold more than the counter but retain in mind they can lead to interactions with the drugs your medical professional prescribes to you on a regular basis. Last but surely not least, as the fine print of these extravagant ads read “use diet supplements along with a healthful diet strategy and regular exercising”. These two ingredients are by far far more crucial than the diet pills alone. You have to consume ideal and exercising for the diet pills to be capable to give their little support. You can’t reside on pizzas and anticipate the diet pills to shrink your waist line! Use pills smart, not for too long, not exceeding recommended dose and in combination with some type of exercising (anything that gets you and keeps you off your couch!) and healthful eating you will see these pounds drop off. The post Weight Loss Through Diet Pills appeared first on Poltrona. |
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segunda-feira, 6 de abril de 2015
Newsletter | Weight Loss Diet Pills – Which Ones Are The Best?
Newsletter | Weight Loss Diet Pills – Which Ones Are The Best? | ![]() |
Weight Loss Diet Pills – Which Ones Are The Best? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 10:10 AM PDT What are the most effective weight loss pills? If you are overweight or obese you have undoubtedly asked this query quite a few instances. Whatever our excess weight can be, we generally want to be slim. And the most effective weight loss pills have been generally sought following. Let’s believe a little on this philosophic query and attempt to answer it based on what we know about this weight loss aid we cannot refuse of utilizing… We all know the easiest and safest way to live a slim and healthful life is to: consume healthful foods in a balanced eating plan regime, exercising and keep physically active, and get a adequate amount of rest every day. Well, weight loss pills may offer you a short cut, it could possibly not generally be the most effective route to take. If we make a selection to take weight loss pills, it is generally crucial to recognize how they function. It must be in you most effective interest to know what you are inserting in your physique. Which are most effective weight loss pills – prescription or natural?First, weight loss pills are divided into two key groups – prescribed or more than-the-counter eating plan pills. Do you like to know which are most effective? Well, think about the following – prescription weight loss pills are clinically tested and confirmed to function as they claim. If say Xenical claims to block 25% of dietary fats from your meals – these are clinically confirmed results. And authorized by official healthcare organizations that guarantees drug action according to claims. But prescription weight loss pills are not the best – I would say they are far from it and largely due to side effects and unnatural chemical compounds applied. The similar Xenical provides you a bunch of “more advantages” like oily spotting, oily stool, attainable nausea, diarrhea and far more. At the similar time, prescription weight loss pills are basically applied in case of obesity with attainable dangers to your wellness. Their effects, side effects are studied and known, and if there is no other methods for you to shed weight naturally – almost certainly prescribed drugs are the most effective weight loss pills to opt for. In Mexico, you can find the best pastillas (suplementos) bara bajar de peso available anywhere on the internet. Weight loss supplements, or more than-the-counter or natural weight loss pills, are not the most effective ones either, due to quite a few reasons. Largely simply because they don’t back their claims. Have you noticed superb or incredible promises to support you shed pounds a day or permanent weight loss results? The problem is most producers don’t help these claims with clinical studies. You cannot know for certain if you purchase some genuine mix of components confirmed to burn your fat or enhance metabolism, or it’s just placebo. A different point of concern is natural or herbal components. Natural does not mean protected. Think about this when choosing weight loss pills. Ephedra or ma huang have been the most preferred fat burner active components and could possibly be regarded as as most effective weight loss pills, until FDA found them becoming really harmful to our nervous method and heart. A number of death situations preceded the ephedra ban. So our tips in choosing natural supplements – the most effective weight loss pills amongst more than the counter are well known brands that everyone knows and quite a few folks use successfully. Undoubted leader amongst natural weight loss pills in 2007 is Proactol – acknowledged by wellness experts and customers as great and protected weight loss help. Weight loss pills fat-loss actionWe can differ weight loss pills by type of action. Here we have a number of key kinds like fat burners, appetite suppressants or fat blockers. They can be both prescription and natural weight loss pills. Fat burners function accordingly to support the physique in breaking down the fat, internally. As soon as released from fat cells, fat enters the blood stream as totally free acids that are then carried to muscle cells where they are to be burned. A different, almost certainly the most widespread pills are appetite suppressants. These pills take away the need to consume and permit you to preserve down the fat consumption. Most of prescription drugs are suppressants, like Phentermine, Meridia (sibutramine), Acomplia and a number of other brands. Appetite suppressants are the oldest type of pills to struggle added weight, and quite a few folks use them successfully. Their reputation grew even far more following Hoodia Gordonii appeared on weight loss marketplace. It really is regarded as the most effective natural appetite suppressant that has not been researched thoroughly but showed great efficacy. A different type of weight loss pills is gaining far more reputation due to far more protected and healthful effect comparing with other folks – fat blockers. Amongst prescription drugs it is Xenical, blocking fat by affecting lipase enzymes responsible for fat absorption. It helped quite a few folks shed weight along with great dieting regime, but it’s side effects contain abdomen discomfort, diarrhea, and the inability to absorb a lot of crucial fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients. Alli is a lighter version of Xenical with the similar side effects and quite a few healthcare experts refuse to ally themselves with Alli as most effective weight loss pill simply because of moderate efficacy combined with quite a few side effects. Amongst natural fat blockers chitosan is widespread ingredient. There are quite a few pills based on chitosan claiming fat blocking effect, but scientific researches proved weak fat blocking capacities of chitosan. As fat blocker, acting somewhat like Xenical but binding fats straight in the stomach, Proactol now is a major weight loss pill. It acts safely and assists shed weight steadily and stop weight gain if we consume fatty meals. The conclusion is easy – opt for well known brands that quite a few folks applied currently and had good results. There is no best weight loss aid – but weight loss pills are preferred and 1 of the reasons is that they do support you shed weight far more correctly. Get the best possible weight loss tips at www.comobajarpeso.com. The post Weight Loss Diet Pills – Which Ones Are The Best? appeared first on Poltrona. |
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domingo, 5 de abril de 2015
Festival de Bonecos Idosos do Pigmalião
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sexta-feira, 3 de abril de 2015
❄ Milu Produções Infantis - Audições em Belo Horizonte